How Coronavirus (COVID-19) Is Impacting Ecommerce


The economy has taken a massive hit since the worldwide quarantine started. Business owners, especially the brick-and-mortar establishments, are heavily committed to reducing the pandemic’s impact on their businesses. In that case, what’s the top solution in their minds?


The COVID-19 crisis has globally accelerated the necessity of digital space for all industries. The market’s shift to online platforms is the fastest ever. In Australia alone, online shopping growth peaked at 75.8% in year-on-year statistics in September of 2020. There is also a trend in purchasing of products related to cleanliness and sanitation. At some point, stores even began to run out of stocks entirely.

Let’s look at two different perspectives here:

Producer’s Perspective

When quarantine protocols were announced, people instantly began hesitating about going to physical stores. Non-essential establishments were forced to shut down due to increasingly thinning traffic. Store owners that have not prepared to preserve and distribute their goods efficiently are faced with tremendous financial ruin. Others that were not reliant on any online platforms managed to stay afloat by immediately planning their digital strategy.

Modern business entities today must have eCommerce presence in their arsenal. This method is not optional anymore. That is why Karina Wolfin, CEO of Direct Appliance Rentals, had maximised the full potential of digital marketing. She remarked, “Even without the pandemic, a safety net strategy like operating online will always be a smart move. Owners without online platforms are missing out on benefits like drop shipping, targeting the audience effectively, vast creative space, and easy information management. Now that a crisis like COVID-19 has arrived, owners and marketers will learn to adapt for sure.”

Producer’s Perspective

Consumer’s Perspective

Transparency is the only friction in the relationship between online customers and sellers. Many consumers were hesitant about the electronic exchange of goods and services at the beginning. However, when the pandemic came about, consumers found out that it’s the safest way to acquire goods and services.

The usage of mobile phones to transact online is on a rapid upward trajectory. Before the year 2020, an Australian projection of 68% penetration to mobile device prospects and 87.8% on the internet overall have been recorded. This indicates that Australians are already converting to digital space even before the COVID-19 crisis.


It is safe to say that this pandemic is one of the defining economic events of the decade. The market will never revert into the old-fashioned way of selling any time soon. If you are planning to shift your business or your craft online, our team at Avid Brio is happy to help!

We provide top eCommerce development services for all business sizes. This comes with high-end designs and platforms to attract an audience and ultimately convert them into loyal customers. Contact us now and waste no time!

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